With the King Biscuit Blues Festival right around the corner (Columbus Day Weekend, we're out there for the week), Jack has been touching base with our friends we meet in Tent City and the local musicians. One of these folks, a biker Jack particularly feels a kinship with, told him this morning that when he was out one night talking music with some other people, one of our CDs was played for him...."You've gotta hear this!" Of course, our friend told them he knew who it was.....and hopefully they'll ALL be at the Biscuit to see us this year! Plans are hitting town on Tuesday and becoming early residents of Tent City, North Side, Helena, AR; Free Blues Jam at Bunkies hosted by BBP on Wednesday; Practicing, Busking, and seeing Buddy Guy in Concert on Thursday; Rising Biscuit Stage on Friday, 7 pm; and then buskin our hearts out all day Saturday.
The crowd response last year to what we are doing with our original music more than makes up for all the small crowds that we play for here in N/E Texas. But, if we have to build our audiences like we did last night, playing as if we have a crowd until the folks down the road come see what's going on, and building our fan base by adding a few at each show, then it'll still build! I firmly believe Jack's music is going to be a HUGE part of our future, he is just too good and too committed to it for it not to pay off for him. Every crowd, even small ones, has a silver lining, and last night's was a potter, who quickly joined our fan base and sent us the following pictures of last night from her camera phone. Thanks!